“The best means of benefiting the community is to place within its reach the ladders upon which the aspiring can rise.”
– Andrew Carnegie
The Walker Wood Family strongly believe in the transformational power of higher education, especially for those with the initiative and potential to make a difference not only in their own lives, but in the lives of others. The Foundation funds scholarships and bursaries at educational institutions throughout Canada, geared especially towards those individuals with much to offer, but not necessarily the financial means to pursue their dreams.
While educational opportunity is the focus of the Foundation, we also reach out to other charitable organizations undertaking innovative work within communities across Canada.

“I feel as though someone has finally, truly seen me for me. You have seen my potential, acknowledged my efforts, and despite the negatives I have experienced in my life, you have made me feel that I am worthy and deserving of your support. I can never thank you enough for your belief in me and I promise to do my best and keep striving.”
– Anonymous Student Award Recipient
The Walker Wood Foundation
We are a private, family-managed foundation, grounded historically upon the gift of educational opportunity. The success of our legacy depends upon clear communication and relationship-building, based upon a foundation of integrity, honesty, and transparency.
Our roots and our values lie also with those whose concerns encompass the greater community, across boundaries of place, sector, and society. A healthy community provides not only physical and emotional well-being for individuals and families, but is a place where learning, culture, and the natural environment can flourish.

Our Areas of Focus
We make education central, to ensure that those who have much to give in terms of leadership and vision are not held back by economic constraints. The promise of the future depends upon a clear understanding of the challenges of today.
Our primary objective is to provide scholarships and bursaries in all areas of study. We also provide a smaller allocation of discretionary funding to organizations working at the broader community level, especially in relation to the health of children and families, the natural environment and animals, and the arts and culture.


Health Care

Arts & Culture






Health Care